Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health (by Gene Stone, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.). The hook: What if one simple change could save you from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer?
Some highlights:
- A plant-based, oil-free diet will not just prevent heart disease but can even reverse it.
- For every three additional servings of fruits and vegetables you eat per day, your risk of stroke is reduced by 22 percent.
- Patients put on a low-fat, plant-based diet experience greater improvement in their diabetic condition than those placed on a traditional diabetes-management diet, which continues to allow meat and dairy products.
- Plant-based foods are filled with nutrients that can fight cancer; eating these foods can help your body repair mutated cells, or cause death of the cells, reducing the risk of developing cancer.
- Cooking spray is 100 percent fat no matter what the label says.
- A single hamburger may contain meat from hundreds of animals.
- A meat-centric diet is responsible for the emission of more than seven times as much greenhouse gas as a plant-based diet.
- The meat industry causes more water pollution in the US than all other industries combined.
I didn't realise when I ordered the book that there were recipes included (approximately 70 percent of the book) and tips for transitioning. I particularly liked this section as it acknowledged the fact that "changing your diet - whether that means starting on a new path of plant-based eating, simply cutting back on meat and dairy and adding more plant-based foods, or perhaps refining your habits to eliminate processed oils - takes commitment and dedication". Many of us need to take baby steps before we can take a giant leap forward.
I learned a lot from this book. I have no idea if all the facts and figures are reasonable or not, but I'll keep reading and investigating in an attempt to provide myself with a better lifestyle.
To view the Kindle edition of the book click here.
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